
Never Miss a Beat

Reading In All Shapes and Forms

{Guest post from Rebecca Flansburg}


When shopping for new summer reads for yourself or your kids, what are you most inclined to buy: eBooks or physical books?



Ebooks are an affordable option when budgets are tight or families are mindful of how much clutter they bring into the world. Though books should never be considered “clutter,” families live a lifestyle with fewer physical items.


Many people will also argue that ebooks aren’t “real books,” but I have to disagree.


Our world is very digital, and no one knows this better than the school-aged kiddos.


Nothing will ever replace a physical book’s feel and delightful smell, but I also can’t ignore that ebooks’ portability appeals to many readers.


There also is a “middle of the road”  solution: a way to balance of love of books while not having our homes be overtaken by the TBR Pile (To Be Read) or the ARIBCLIG (Already Read It, But Still Can’t Let It Go).


Yes. I just made that up.


As I scan my house and note the multiple bookcases of precious books, I can only hope that the Family Bookshelf is not something that may one day be obsolete in most homes. Chances are, your kids are already well-versed in the e-reader world and think nothing of being handed a device instead of a paperback book.


Here’s where the “balance” comes in. If we don’t support authors and small businesses, visiting the bookstore in the future may mean visiting something dot com.


Brick and mortar libraries will shrink and be replaced with online lending libraries. The thought makes me very sad, but I also know that I can continue to make a difference as long as I’m alive by pushing away from the computer and visiting the local independently owned bookstore, and spending some moolah on wonderful books.


My kids, on the other hand, are both hardcore reluctant readers. Heartbreaking? Heck-to-the-yes.


I remember many days/weeks/years snuggled up with epic book series like Nancy Drew, Little House on the Prairie and even Agatha Christie. THAT gene was NOT passed on to my spawn. My youngsters have grown up in an era of Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, and if they can’t read a book on a 4×8 digital screen, I likely won’t get them to read at all.


So, as a helicopter seasoned mom, I pick my battles and take the win even if it means I’m buying a book from Kindle.


The bottom line in the above ramble is that reading is reading, and books are books.


Whichever format you choose, young minds are being expanded and hardworking authors are supported. 


Please don’t tire of investing in books, no matter what they look, smell, or *feel* like. Feed your brain and expand your world through a book’s pages (digital or otherwise).


Happy Reading!

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