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February 29th Is A Special Day At Fort Craig School Of Dynamic Learning

February 29th  marks a very special day for Audrey Press. On that day Fort Craig School of Dynamic Learning will be welcoming our own Valarie Budayr to do some special activities and reading. Fort Craig has been in existence since 1995 and is home to Integrated Thematic Instruction. Fort Craig prides itself in providing learning that is customize to individual students and a process of “learning by doing.”


Fort Craig School For Dynamic Learning\

This is such a special day for me,” shares Valarie. “All three of my children attended Fort Craig. I know all of the teachers, students, and staff.  It\’s like visiting family!

Valarie will be spending time in the Kindergarten through 2nd grade classes sharing with them the ins- and-outs of book publishing. Armed with her first, and very successful book, The Fox Diaries: The Year The Foxes Came To Our Garden, she plans to walk students through the whole book publishing process. From the first initial thought, to the outline, to manuscript, to the final published product.

“The kids have their own little Publishing Center within their school.” Valarie adds with a smile. “So it will be like talking to a room full of colleagues.”

After visiting the K-2 classrooms, it\’s on to the 3rd and 4th grade. Valarie will be jumping into a book with these students, and the subject is not only her second and very anticipated The Ultimate Guide to Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, but it also happens to be the student\’s unit book for the semester. Together, class and author with explore parts of the Charlie\’s adventure including how cocoa is grown and playing the Squirrel Snatch game.


\”It will be an exciting and busy day, \” shares Valarie.

But she\’s not done yet! Valarie will be back at Fort Craig on Friday March 2 to do even more interacting with students! In honor of Read Across America and Dr Seuss\’ Birthday, students will enjoy a reading of Green Eggs and Ham.

**If you are interested having Valarie speak at your school, library, or community, drop her a note at She has a wide variety of programs, topics, and activities for kids, teachers, and parents.